Saturday, July 31, 2010

"CEO Bayo Cary's Opinion: Regarding the Group 2 Assignment Submitted on: 7-7-2010 and 7-9-2010"

Group CEO: Bayo Cary


TEMPLATE (provided by instructor, Dr. Kim, "Library Management: Summer 2010")

Reflection Journal: Homework Assignment: Library Management: Summer 2010

Student Name: Bayo Cary CEO

Team Number: Group Work and Assignment

Type of Information Organization: Technology Seattle, Washington

Role in the Strategic Plan: CEO

LIS 5480 Management of Information Organizations

Reflection Journal

Group: Planning Session


A.) What I Did:

I showed up at the Group meetings and attempted to discuss what type of information organization we were going to base on final project on. My team members did not attend. I decided on technology and assigned myself the CEO and gave the other members roles as well. I understood from the class chat that it was permissible, if the other group members did not attend the group meetings, to go ahead and assign roles. This was the first group meeting that I was made aware of and the first group meeting that I attended. Had I been informed of more, I would have been present. I never missed a meeting or a class while I have been enrolled in the library management class--voluntarily.

B.) What my Team Did:


My team began communicating on the discussion board (D. B.). I responded to team members comments. I asked several times when the Group members would like to meet again. When no one responded I sent emails to my fellow group members. They responded that they preferred to keep the discussion to the Group D.B.
. I reluctantly agreed. The next Group meeting was confirmed by a fellow Group member and I agreed to attend, and I showed up.


The Group is not working well together. Although, I am not having trouble delegating responsibility, the rest of the group seems to be having difficulty communicating: honestly, effectively, and in a timely manner with both me and with each other as well. This is unfortunate because it is difficult to work as a group when no one is willing to do any of the work. Or when someone does all of the work but does not receive enough: appreciation, attribution, money, praise, etc., for their work, which should be commiserate to the effort extended and/or the quality of work provided by an individual for their contributions to the group. I have a very bad feeling, after the "plagiarism" incident which occurred in the last group that I participated in, that my fellow group members expect me to do all the work. I hope I am wrong.

Comments on Resources:

No resources were provided by any Group members but me. I hope there will be more to write about next week. I am very “hopeful” that this group may be better than the last one that I was assigned to. It would be really nice if we could all get along and work together, or if Group members could at least show up at the agreed upon scheduled meetings.

Group #2 Planning Session


A.) What I Did:

I came to the Group meeting that was scheduled and confirmed--again. My fellow Group members did not show up--again. I wanted to discuss where the technology information facility was located what we were going to be writing about. I waited a while. Then I left. I was disappointed that no other Group member showed up, although the meeting time had been agreed up by my fellow Group members. I posted a comment to the Group D.B. regarding the fact that everyone else missed the scheduled and agreed upon meeting--again. Group members said that the meeting had been rescheduled. However, nobody notified me prior to the meeting time. There was no post to the D.B. regarding a re-scheduled Group meeting until after the entire Group missed the previously scheduled meeting--again. I confirmed the time of the next Group meeting and I agreed to attend. I showed up to the next agreed up and scheduled Group meeting.

B.)What my Team Did:

The team and I decided that Seattle Washington was a good place for the technology information center to be located. Another team member was in charge of research and provided data for the submission of assignment 1 that was due today 7-9-2010. I critiqued the data that was submitted and stated that the information about the library in Seattle was incomplete, insufficient, not very realistic, and was not expressed in terms that were clear enough.


I thought that there was no excuse for Group members to be continually missing meetings, and that my fellow Group members should have tried to contact me and renegotiate, if they were going to be unable to meet at a time that we had already agreed upon. I think that the Group members should not have chosen to use only what is available on Blackboard to communicate. There is nothing wrong with the email system at F.S.U.. My fellow Group members should have felt comfortable writing each other emails about the impending assignment that was due on 7-9-2010.


The Group members are not working cooperatively or cohesively. I am doing most of the work. Too many meeting has been missed by fellow Group members and there have been too many excuses regarding absences. I am feeling like I am being taken advantage up and that my fellow Group members believe that I should do all the work because I am the CEO. I think that this is unfair situation and that I am in a very bad situation due to my fellow Group members continual lack of: Group meeting attendance and overall lack of contribution to the impending assignment. If my fellow Group members thought that they could have done it any better on their own then, they should have sincerely, tried.

Comments on Resources:

My fellow Group members have not provided an adequate amount of resources or information to incorporate in to the assignment which is due 7-9-2010. fellow Group members have not even enough research or information to make it worth while to record what little effort other Group members made. I am sorry to say that my fellow Group members appear to be lazy and unwilling to exert themselves. I think that they are not serious enough students to be in a graduate studies program and that they should have done something else instead. I am not happy about doing all of the Group work and assignment, when I am supposed to be working in a group. I am not willing to continue to do all of the Group work after this assignment is turned in.

Group #3 Planning Session


A.)What I Did:

I again attempted to attend the Group meeting that was scheduled and agreed upon by fellow Group members. However, I was frustrated by the previous lack of contributions provided by my fellow Group members. I chose to request that me fellow Group members decide to let me out of the Group. They declined my request and continued to expect me to do the majority of the Group's work. My fellow Group members also communicated to the professor that I had not been at the meeting that day and they made it seem like I was not interested in working with the Group, although I had sincerely attempted to. I was in fact at the Group meeting on that particular day. My fellow Group members made the mistake of sending me emails regarding the meeting which had been held on that particular day, which they lied to the professor about and stated that I had not attended. My fellow Group members email communications confirm my attendance at that particular Group meeting. I wrote the professor and let her know that I had not missed the meetings and that she must have misunderstood what the students told her regarding my attendance at scheduled and agreed upon Group meetings.

B.) What my Team Did:

My fellow Group members tried to dissuade me from leaving the Group. Then my fellow Group members sent me several emails regarding my departure from the Group, even though the Group had decided on no email communication what-so-ever. I responded to their pleas to remain a Group a member, very calmly and politely, and then I let my fellow Group members know that: they had been taking advantage of me and expecting me to do all the work with no commiserate recognition for all the work that I had done (or attribution). I followed up my displeasure with the second Group experience in library management(summer 2010) by writing the professor of the course, Dr. Kim, and requesting to be allowed to work alone for the second time, within the same class. I have never had this problem working in Groups in any other university, in any other town, or in any other class, anywhere. I think that my two Group experiences in the library management course at F.S.U.(summer 2010) have been very abnormal and unfortunate. Dr. Kim failed to reply to my second request to work independently.


The Group is still not working well together. The lines of communication are down. I had to complete the final draft of the Group assignment on my own, as CEO (re-submitted 7-9-2010). In addition, the corrections that I suggested for the final assignment, were never made. The amount of information made available in the final assignment, could have been easily provided by a third grader. The final draft of the Group assignment is not up to my standards and does not reflect the quality or quantity of work that I complete on my own or that I am capable of when I work on my own. I am certain that this will not in any way affect my grade for the Group assignment. I have continuously turned in work, throughout this semester, and my two years in the F.S.U. Master's program which is of a much higher standard i both quality and quantity. I have a perfect 4.0 G.P.A. in the F.S.U. Master's program, thus far, as a reflection of my continued "original" effort exerted.


Working in a group may be helpful for some individuals, however, combining someone who still is struggling with fundamental: syntax, prose, semantics, and research skills, with someone who has advanced research and writing techniques, is not beneficial to either individual. I have been in college for almost 15 years. I presently have over 200 undergraduate credit hours in almost every subject area in which classes are provided on college campuses nationally. I have also been a participant in college level honors programs and I have received numerous: distinctions, honors, and scholarships, since I first began my university studies in the summer of 1994. I am not interested in working with a group of people who are not as capable as myself and who are not able to keep-up.

Comments on Resources:

My fellow Group members did not discuss resources, however, a draft was posted to the file exchange of what my group members believed would be an accepted draft to submit for a grade for the assignment on 7-9-2010. The assignment was submitted on 7-7-2010. I received an email from the professor that our Group assignment had been approved. I was disappointed by the quality of work of the Group assignment which was submitted on 7-7-2010, so I simply made a few corrections and contributed what I thought had been left out of the assignment which was submitted on 7-7-2010. Then as the Groups CEO I re-submitted the assignment on 7-9-2010, prior to the due date/time, for a second time.


The Time-Line/Group Proposal Plans/Group Member Participant Assignments: are Due July 9th 2010 prior to 11:59 p. m. and should be submitted by the groups CEO, Bayo Cary, prior to when it is due.


A.)What I Did:

We did not meet a fourth time. The group members never showed up anyway and the assignment was already submitted. I was disappointed, yet again.

B.) What my Team Did:

My fellow Group members have been traveling all over the country attending ALA meeting in Washington, etc. . The course is online and there is Internet available at almost every hotel everywhere in the United States. However, my fellow Group members, have still been unable to make the Group meetings, and they have also been unable to communicate with me about their inability to attend Group meetings prior to missing the meeting, and then they have repeated the same mistake over and over again. Einstein says that if you do the same things you should expect to get the same results and that is the definition of insanity.


The Group is not working well together at all. The Group members are not trying hard enough to contribute as individuals. They continue to expect me to do all the work. I can do bad all by myself and would prefer to take total control and ignore their suggestions and their opinions because they are not helpful at all, they do not follow through, and they expect me to be grateful to them for allowing me to be part of their underachieving Group. If I am going to do tons and tons of work then my fellow Group members need to be grateful to me. I deserve attribution and commiserate rewards. "Plagiarism"" is a very serious academic offense. I am sorry that some people in the F.S.U. Graduate School of Library and Information Science have not taken the time to read the student hand book and student honor code.


This particular classroom environment which is being facilitated by Dr. Kim seems to be full of students who do not know what it means to be honest and fair and hard working. I am sorry that things in this class are so different from things in the other classes that I have taken at F.S.U. . Perhaps there needs to be higher standards applied, when deciding on who is let into the F.S.U. Graduate School Program in Library and Information Science. Students reflect the university that they attend. Students which have poor morals and ethics damage the reputation of the university where they were lucky enough to have the opportunity to be educated.

Comments on Resources:

None of my fellow Group members showed up, yet again. No resources were contributed by anyone but me. I truly hope that I get credit for what I have contributed by my professors. I have copy upon copy upon copy of all of my work and email all email communication related to this library management course (summer 2010). That should not be necessary. If anyone challenges me as to the legitimacy of my work, or my grades, or my contributions, I am ready and willing to file a complaint, to press charges, and to "bring-it."

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