Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Original Document: "How Swaine Falied to Provide Academic Instruction and Resources"

(This is Not legal Document)

8-2-2010 4:25 p. m. (E.S.T.)

To Whom It May Concern:

Ms. Swaine is no longer my instructor for the library management course, and has not been for some time now. However, I did attempt to reach her yesterday to re-negotiate when the final assignments were due. In addition, I was waiting for another email from Dean Dennis. Dean Dennis told me that Ms. Swaine was willing to negotiate when the final assignments were due. It was, therefore, necessary for me to delay the start my final assignments until: approximately 4:30 p. m. on 8-1-2010, and then it was necessary for me to figure out how to complete the final assignments, prior to being able to actually complete the final assignments, that were due yesterday (8-1-2010) by 11:59 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Thank You.

I Require Your Assistance in the Following Matters:

1) Someone other than Ms. Swaine must grade my final assignments:

Explanation Regarding the Grading of My Final Assignments:

Someone, other than Ms. Swaine, needs to grade my final assignments. Ms. Swaine is no longer my instructor, and has not been my instructor for the library management course for quite some time. She only met with me once in Elluminate, on (Monday) 7-26-2010 at 6:00 p. m. (E.S.T.)

I need my final assignments to be graded by tomorrow 8-3-2010 at 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), and for my finals grades on my final assignments, as well as my final grade in the course to be posted to my grade book page, on 8-3-2010, by 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) as well. In addition, at the time in which, my final assignments grades are being posted to my grade book page, my grades on my grade book page need to be updated.

2) My Grades t to be Accurate to Date and Be Available to me:

Explanation Regarding Mis-Calculated Grades:

I earned a 59 on my ethics assignment. I made a copy o f my grade on 7-28-2010. The grade for my ethics assignment is a 59 on that page. When I made a copy of my grade book page on 7-30-2010, the grade had been lowered to a 57. In addition, the grades which are currently present on my grade book page are tallied wrong. I could go in to details, but it is a simple addition error, the grade currently posted on my grade page should be higher, even without the additional 2 points that are due to me for my ethics assignment.

(*Note-All the assignments which I need to turned in, for library management (summer 2010), were previously posted to my grade book page as of: 7-30-2010.)

3) There were no directions provided for the final assignments, no grading criterion, and no additional templates were provided:

Explanation Regarding Completion of Final Assignments:

I was unable to contact Ms. Swaine entirely, although I did check back in to the Blackboard site frequently yesterday (8-1-2010), to see if she had simply provided the directions and additional templates that I required there. I waited most of the day, until approximately 1: 30 p. m. (E.S.T.). Ms. Swaine never provided me with directions or additional templates for the final assignments, or grade criterion either. She failed to up-date my grades on my grade page as well. I responded to the email that I received from Dean Dennis, and tried very hard to get in contact with Ms. Swaine by email. I looked through the entire F.S.U. directory and additional “School” related pages.

I have three email addresses for Ms. Swaine: lindasawaine@cci.fsu.edu, lindaswaine@ci.fsu.edu, and lswaine@fsu.edu, none of her F.S.U. email addresses were working yesterday (8-31-2010). I emailed the School of library and information science department, to let them know of my serious problem, regarding not being able to contact Ms. Swaine (It was also an F.S.U. email address, which I had no difficulty sending email to). This is not the first time that this situation has occurred with Ms. Swaine. I informed Ms. Swaine of this problem previously, and I let her know that she could not be my instructor if:

1. I was unable to contact her;

2. she was unwilling to answer my questions;

3. and she was unwilling to:

A. update my grade page;

B. and fix the miscalculated grades on the page;

C. provide instructions;

D. provide grading criterion;

E. provide templates for my final assignments.

I expect a grade of an “A” for my final assignments:

1. I had no directions to complete the final assignments that were due

2. I had no directions for the final assignments;

3. Ms. Swaine provided me with no additional templates; and

4. I had no grading criterion for any of the final assignments as well.

(*Note--It is too late to make the above mentioned resources available to me, I have already submitted the final assignments that were due yesterday, on time, 8-1-2010,by 11:59 p. m. E.S.T.)

I had to utilize the knowledge that I have gained throughout my past two years (fall 2008-summer 2010) in the program, in order to figure out how to fill out the template that I had to alter. I let Ms. Swaine know, right away, after she emailed me a template for the final assignments (but no directions or grading criterion) that it would be necessary for me to alter the template.

I attempted to speak to Ms. Swaine yesterday regarding many pertinent issues that I needed to have addressed and questions that still remained unanswered pertaining to the final assignments, most of which, I previously mentioned above. However, some of the other issues that I needed to discuss are enumerated below:

1. the use of a different template (provided by my previous instructor for the

2. the continued need to alter the template regardless of which template I

3. the need to later the text format which she suggested (Calibri);

4. the need to submit my final assignments in Word Perfect documents; and

5. my continued need for both additional templates and grading criterion.

4)Submission of Grade to the Registrar’s Office:

Explanation regarding final grade submission:

I need to be able to see my final grade for the library management course, summer 2010, in print and online, prior to it being submitted to the registrar’s office for summer 2010 graduation. Ms. Swaine, as I have already explained is no longer my instructor for the library management course. Therefore, someone other than Ms.Swaine needs to submit my final grade to the registrar’s for summer 2010 graduation (August 7, 2010). I need to see my final grade for the library management course by 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) tomorrow (8-3-2010). My final assignments should not take long to grade, due to the fact that:

1. I had no directions to complete the final assignments that were due

2. I had no directions for the final assignments;

3. Ms. Swaine provided me with no additional templates; and

4. I had no grading criterion for any of the final assignments as well.

Therefore, there is nothing to base my final assignments grades on.

Thank you again for your continued assistance in the situation related to my library management course, summer 2010. I appreciate your help. I have worked very long and hard for this Master’s Degree. I have never, in any class in this entire program, turned in an assignment late or incomplete. I have never, in any class, in this entire program, received a grade for any assignment, which was less than an “A.” I have never, in this entire program, received a final grade of less than an “A.” I expect that this situation will be resolved quickly. I am cutting and pasting the original copy of my final assignments, which were due yesterday, and which I submitted on time. I appreciate your prompt response. Thank you again.

(This is not a Legal Document.)


Ms. Bayo Elizabeth Cary

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